Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Honesty? Honestly.

Hey Chickens!

Are you ready to play a round of "Tell or Don't Tell?" The game where contestants try to decide what's important enough to tell their significant others and what's just irritating.

You can play along at home! The first ones are easy!

1. You backed over the cat with the car. (Tell)
2. You were unable to find the brand of frozen pizza that you had a coupon for, so you bought another brand, that while 25 cents more expensive, is one you've heard good things about. (Don't tell)
3. The ring you got her for Valentine's Day is a cubic zirconia. (Don't tell)
4. Your parents are coming to visit for a week and they think it would be easier for everyone if they just parked their RV on your front lawn. (Tell)
5. Crabs. (Tell)
6. The chicken you cooked for dinner expired in 2006. But it's been frozen the whole time. (Don't tell)
7. Your period was two weeks late, so you took a home preganacy test. It was negative. (Don't tell)
8. The blond chick that works in the cubicle next to you came over and sat on your desk this afternoon and her skirt rode waaaaaay up her thigh. It was hot. (Don't tell)
9. You left the take-home bag from dinner in the trunk of their car. Two days ago. (Tell)
10. An old friend calls and tells you that they are having a hard time supporting your relationship because they're crazy about you and super jealous of your SO. (?????)

So, chickens. What's the answer to 10? Do you tell, because the whole situation makes you uncomfortable (and a little angry) because someone you thought was your friend seems to get off on drama of their own creation and you really need to talk about it?

Or do you not tell, because you don't want your SO to feel threatened or feel like you're trying to make them jealous. Plus, on the off chance your friend can put their shit back together and actually wants to hang out with you again, you don't want things to be uncomfortable.

So, what do we tell the people we love from day to day? Do you share your every thought and every experience? Is that even possible? Is that something we truly want from a partner? At what point does "not telling" become "witholding," "shutting out," and even "lying?"

If the roles were reversed and the Gipester told me an old friend was in love with him, I'd lose my shit. I know I would. I've got what you could call a jealous streak. It's not the Wendy Testaberger "stay away from my man, bitch" jealous streak I had going on in college, but it's still there. I really wouldn't want him to see this person anymore. If G told me he didn't want me to talk to this friend again, I would comply. But that wouldn't happen. I'm in love with a man who was born without the jealousy portion of the brain. Or maybe he feels jealousy and just doesn't tell me. Which takes me back to the issue in the previous paragraph.

So, lots of questions. No answers. What do we tell? What do we hold back? And when does it make a difference?






Heidi Larimer said...

Girl, you and I have to go and have a DRINK! I have that same type question and perhaps hashing it out over a beer could do both of us good. call me !

Dude said...

Well, honesty is always the best avenue in my opinion but when to be honest is the trick here. I would first address the issue with old friend that called you up. Find out if that person can be an adult and let you live your life and be with who you choose to be. Losing friends over this type of issue is always difficult but it would not be your fault if that happens. I would only tell your current boyfriend if he needs to know. Like if the old friend won’t let it go and becomes a stalker. If that person can be a good friend and mature about the situation then I would let it go as well. Just my two cents and this is coming from a guy who played with Lego’s all night last night because he had a bad day yesterday.

Jenn said...

You tell. You stop worrying about the outcome and build on the trust within your current relationship... by being honest. And trust that your SO is strong enough to handle it, because, damn it, that's what you deserve. :)