Sunday, June 15, 2008

Don't tweak the brittle people.

Hello chickens. Today Sweet D is in, what my grandmother used to call, a Mood.

I have reasons.

None of them are good.

I've got things like, I painted at a friend's house today, went home, showered, scrubbed myself until I was all pink and a little more tender than I would have liked, dried off, got dressed, walked to the post office and realized that I still have tan paint All. Over. Me. The paint is kind of flesh colored, but it doesn't really match my skin so it just looks like I have some kind of horrible scarring or perhaps a fungus. Whatever. It looks like I need some sort of topical cream. Bugger.

In my sleep last night I bit my bottom lip and then, as far as I can tell, continued to chew on my bitten lip for hours and hours until it became the bloody sore it is at the moment. Double bugger.

Also, I had a dream about my ex husband. It was not a particularly emotional dream. We were sitting on the couch in my ex MIL's living room. The white one that the little kids weren't allowed to play on. I told him that he needs to be a nicer person. Something I never would have had the presence of mind to tell him in person. He told me I need to pay more attention to detail. Now, this dream would have been easily forgotten if it didn't apply in such a creepy way to something that happened to me today.

Now, let me set this up. Way back at the end of January, I got a quote from an insurance company, mostly because I hated the insurance I had at the time and didn't want to give them money anymore. So, I got the quote and sat on it for something like 4 months. I finally got back on the company's website in, like, April, maybe March, shit, I don't know. Anyway, I started filling out the forms to buy my policy online. Then, I'm guessing I got to a section that I didn't have the information on hand to fill out, so I stopped filling out the form, thinking I would come back to it. I never did.

But apparently I thought I did. I've been telling myself (and the Gipester) for the last three months that I had this company's insurance. But I don't. I am retarded.

It wasn't until G and I started talking about combining insurance that I realized that I didn't have any paperwork on my new insurance. Hmmm. Curious.

So I looked at my bank statement. They hadn't been charging me anything. Hmmm. Even more curious.

I called the company's 1-800 number and a nice lady explained (very slowly, because I'm obviously some kind of defective) that no, I was not one of their customers.

I'm so confused.
The bright spot is that I was waiting for my new insurance cards to show up, so I still hadn't cancelled my old insurance. Yay for not breaking the law, yay!

I'm not sure what's more frightening about this whole scenario, that I was totally convinced that I had completed a task that I did not, or that my ex appeared to me in a dream to call me on it.

I swear, if he starts showing up in my dreams on a regular basis to pass down his special brand of wisdom in the manner of Buddha or similar, I will become a gibbering, drooling mess. And that won't be pleasant for anyone.

So that, my little chicken nuggets, is why I am in a Mood.

Peace, yo.

1 comment:

Heidi Larimer said...

hey girl i being the bright crayon that i am deleted the text you sent with your new number.... could you send it to me again!